

Keen to hit the Moroccan waves? Tafedna’s bay offers the perfect waves for pro’s and beginner. Come and surf the days away and check out our surf projections by night. Our talented instructor, Jamal, who grew up in the village knows the waves like the back of his hand and his passion is to get you up on the board. He has all the knowledge and will fit you with a wetsuit and board and get you riding your first green wave in no time!

Aside from the village waves, there are plenty of secret surf spots along the coast within a 30min drive for the more experienced surfers looking to surf on the edge of the Atlantic with no one else around! We can organise transport and get you out to these locations that aren’t even on the map.

Over the years we have slowly build a surf school in Tafedna, lead by Jamal.
We started modestly by renting beginner surfboards and wetsuits. Now we are super happy to have Jamal offering 2hr lessons to get every beginner standing up and catching their first white wave! He speaks English, French, German, Berber and Arabic: Talk about talent!
We are looking to partner up with a local surf brand to push environmental awareness in and out of the ocean for all surfers.

Looking to hit up the waves? We have the wetsuits, the boards and the waves. Get ready to hit the Moroccan swell!

yoga session

Rachele combines Mindful Yoga, Mindful Movement & Mindful Meditation into a program called mindfulism.
With the pace that we live our lives it’s easy to forget to breathe & harder to still the mind & just feel OK.

« mindfulism is a counter culture narrative: a future & a pathway for enduring all of life’s anxiety, pain, stress & maximizing health & focus »   @ukmindfulism 
Rachele will help you to establish a good relationship with your body, thoughts & emotions & balance your mind more effectively without feeling overwhelmed.